Local Backup Vs. Cloud Backup

Local Storage Or Backup Storage

Having a secure, reliable backup solution for your business is vital, no matter your company size. A great majority of modern operating systems come with backup utilities that are more than suitable to your needs. But when it comes to creating backup data, a big question is posed; Local Backup or Cloud Backup? Let’s look at the pros and cons for each:

Cloud Storage Backup


  • Cloud storage conveniently stores your data by sending a copy to a secure, cloud-based server.
  • Maintenance is as simple as giving your cloud storage provider a call.
  • Scalability is a huge advantage, as you can easily increase storage space through your service provider.
  • You can easily access your data as long as you have an internet connection.


  • If your internet connection isn’t the fastest around, backing up your data can take quite a while.
  • Backing up your data on a public cloud server is not feasible if your business handles highly sensitive data. You will have to pay more for a private server.

Local Storage Backup


  • It’s a lot faster to store data on an external hard drive as opposed to uploading your information to a cloud.
  • You have full control of your backup files.
  • Disconnecting your drives will prevent your data from attacks.


  • To create and maintain a local storage system for your business can mean big bucks. It can cost thousands of dollars for the hardware and software needed, with space being a factor as well. Upgrading is costly as well.
  • On-site issues can destroy your local storage. Off-site backups are an alternative to avoiding this issue, but it requires a lot more work to maintain. And anytime your data needs updating, your off-site systems will need it too, resulting in a much more time-consuming struggle.

At the end of the day, both options will be able to safely back up your data. Which do you currently utilize? And which will you go with?